University of Belgrade
Bucerius Pre-Doctoral Grant
Transnationalism, Authoritarianism and Militant DemocracyABSTRACT
In recent years the rise of various "new authoritarianisms" has been matched by another trend: the proliferation of nonresident voting rights and extraterritorial electoral campaigns. These two trends – paradoxically – at times intersect. The cases of Turkey and Hungary are instructive: both have bid their adieus to liberal democracy, and both have embraced their “extraterritorial potential” in recent years. At the intersection point of these trends an intriguing normative question arises: How ought host countries relate to incoming transnational politics – whether foreign votes, or foreign electoral campaigns – when these are deemed authoritarian, antidemocratic or otherwise malignant? Stand by idly? Obstruct? By way of an amalgamation of two existing concepts – militant democracy and transnationalism – an attempt is made to forge a conceptual language for thinking about and responding to this phenomenon.
After attaining his LL.B in Law, and LL.M in Constitutional- and Administrative Law at Maastricht University, Matija fared southeastwards to enroll in a research M.A. programme in South-Eastern European Studies in Belgrade and Graz.
2015: “De ontnemingsmaatregel als nieuwe grond voor afwijzing van naturalisatieverzoeken: Ongewenste eend in de bijt” Asiel- en Migrantenrecht 6:3
2015: “Openbare orde en naturalisatie: Inflatie bepaalt de poort naar het Nederlanderschap” Asiel- en Migrantenrecht 6:1
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